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CollStat illuminating data

CollStat is a modular Toolbox for producing statistics. Modules are available for

  • „Loading“: Loading your numbers into a Mondrian-structured SQL-Database
  • „Quality“: Performin quality checking
  • „Metadata“: Creating and configuring the Metadata
  • „Tabulating“: Tabulating and disseminating statistics (as tables) and graphs on your PC or in a Browser(internal or external)

No programming is needed.

One client uses CollStat for handling more than 100 datasets, permanently tabulated by five persons.
“We keep on top of our workload with fewer resources than most.”

One client uses CollStat for handling two datasets, each comprising a data volume of more than 5 million.
“We could not have achieved this level of performance, data analysis and data quality with Excel or comparable tools”.

CollStat seamlessly integrates several tools for loading, verifying the data quality, disseminating over the Internet and desktop tabulations.

SNA_NT know your economy

There is a huge industry out there, using GDP and other key figures for vital decisions. SNA_NT is used to provide that information. Currently, the users of SNA_NT are: the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia – SURS, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Statistical Office.

SNA_NT was developed in the years up to 2010, mainly financed by Statistics Norway. Later upgrades to SNA_NT adapting to new versions of Windows, Oracle and Microsoft Excel were carried out under support contracts with the users.

This site has been established to enable SNA_NT-support for the users.