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SNA_NT is currently in use in 3 national statistical agencies. Their use has been continuous since 2006. We have reason to believe that they are satisfied with SNA_NT and have not asked for any recommendation.

Development of SNA_NT started in 1977, coordinated by Ms. Liv H Simpson. All development work and support was carried out by Mr. H K Langva under contract to Statistics Norway.

In 2003 the IMF said : » SNA_NT… is currently used for compiling the annual Norwegian integrated economic accounts for institutional sectors, the supply and use tables, the input-output tables, the tourism satellite accounts, and the monthly balance of payments. The SNA-NT application represents a precisely defined and efficient set-up with respect to routines for compiling annual national accounts,based on the international guidelines of the 1993 SNA and the 1995 ESA. Its computational procedures are well documented.»

© 2003 International Monetary Fund July 2003 IMF Country Report No. 03/ 207; «Norway: Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes-Data Module; Response by the Authorities; and Detailed Assessment Using Data Quality Assessment Framework